Joy Church’s Mission

Joy Church exists to forge disciples of Jesus Christ…by renewing relationships, mending lives, and living for Jesus.

Why use the word Forge?

Forging & Mending

We use the term 'forge' to describe the process of discipleship because it beautifully encapsulates the transformative journey that each of us undergoes as we grow in Christ. Just as iron is shaped under the blacksmith's hammer, so too are we shaped and molded by the Spirit of God to be more like Jesus (James 1:2-4).

Forge also signifies our commitment to the Great Commission (Matthew 28:19-20)—to go into the world to make disciples. We believe every disciple of Jesus has the responsibility to share the Gospel, mentor believers younger in the faith, and embolden one another to live out Kingdom values.

We view Forge as an invitation and a calling. An invitation to allow God to shape us, and a calling to participate in God's grand design, to see His Kingdom come, on Long Island as it is in Heaven. Together, we forge forward in faith and love, growing as disciples who mirror the image of Christ and lead others to do the same.

Why use the word Mend?

Mend emphasizes our commitment to healing, restoration, and reconciliation; which are important parts of our discipleship. In Christ, we are called not only to be recipients of God's healing touch, but also to become agents of healing for others. Just as Christ brings wholeness to us, He uses us to extend that wholeness to the world around us (2 Corinthians 1:3-4).

Mend is our response to Christ's mandate in Matthew 5:9: 'Blessed are the peacemakers, for they shall be called sons of God.' As we journey towards becoming Christlike, we seek to embody His love, compassion, and mercy in all our relationships. We also seek to reconcile divisions, whether they are personal, relational, societal, or global.

Similar to Forge, Mend encapsulates our desire to see God's Kingdom realized here on Long Island as it is in Heaven—a place where there is no pain, division, or brokenness. Together, we mend our hearts towards God and towards each other, creating a community that reflects the grace and love of our Savior.